IMPORTANT: Scheduled System Upgrade Notification

Dear BitMart Users,


In order to improve the quality of our service and optimize users experience, BitMart will launch a system upgrade from 02:00 AM on October 27 to 3:00 AM on October 27, 2022 (UTC).


The affected scope of each function is as follows:

Affected functions:

  1. Deposit and withdrawal

Affected platforms: WEB, APP, API


During the system upgrade, you can still visit BitMart’s official website and support/news center. We would also recommend canceling all uncompleted orders before the system upgrade begins. The security of your assets will not be affected during the upgrade. Thank you in advance for your patience.


Note: The estimated time for the completion of the system upgrade may be advanced or delayed. We will post an announcement as soon as the upgrade is completed. You can also join our official community to learn about the updates or consult our online customer service team by clicking "Help" in the lower right corner of our official website. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it might cause you. Thank you for your support and understanding!


BitMart Team

Oct. 20, 2022

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