Announcement on Release of the Update of BitMart Withdrawal Addresses

Dear BitMart Users,


We are pleased to announce an update to the withdrawal address management system, scheduled for release on August 8, 2024. The following are the key enhancements included in this update:


1, Withdrawal Address Management support for General and EVM Network Types:

  • General Network Addresses

Addresses added to the address book as general addresses will support all tokens on the corresponding chain. Any token on this chain can be withdrawn using this address including: TRX, BSC_BNB, ETH, SOL, LTC, ARBI, BTC, POLYGON, ALGO, AVAX-C, OPTIMISM, BASE-ETH, XRP, OPENTON, NEAR, DOGE, XLM, ADA, and SUI.

  • EVM Network Addresses: 

Addresses added to the address book as EVM addresses will support the withdrawal of tokens on EVM network-type chains. Any token on this chain can be withdrawn using this address including: ETH, BSC_BNB, ETC, AVAX-C, POLYGON, ARBI, OPTIMISM, and BASE-ETH.

2,  Support for Pre-Certification:

  • Addresses can be pre-verified through 2FA verification, Email, Phone, and GA authentication. Once verified, these addresses will not require re-verification for withdrawals.

3, API Withdrawal Requirements:

  • The withdrawal address must be verified. Unverified addresses will not be allowed for withdrawals.

4, Facilitating Withdrawals of Existing Users:

  • Addresses already added to the address book and used for withdrawals will be automatically marked as verified after this update.
  • Users can modify addresses by deleting and re-adding them as unverified addresses via the Website or APP.
  • All other addresses must be added as verified addresses via the Website or APP to be used for withdrawals.

5, Support for Bulk Address Addition:

  • Up to 20 addresses can be added at once.

Please stay tightly attentive to our future announcements for further updates, and we appreciate your  support and understanding.


Many Thanks!


BitMart Team,

Aug 2, 2024

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