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BitMart Crypto Gift Usage Guide


BitMart Crypto Gift Usage Guide

The following content provides a step-by-step guide on creating and receiving crypto gifts on BitMart. Please note that the crypto gift feature is only available on BitMart App version 3.0.16 and above.


Creating a Crypto Gift

1. Open the BitMart App and log in to your BitMart account, then click on "More" on the homepage.

2. Click on "Crypto Gift" and then select "Create"

3. Choose the recipient:

1) Send to all users: No restrictions, any BitMart user can receive it.

2) Send to a specific user: Only send one crypto gift to a specific BitMart user.

3) Send to referral users: Only users registered through the issuer's invitation link or invitation code are eligible to receive.

4) Send to new users: Only users who register through the crypto gift link after the gift is created, or users who register on the official website after creating the gift and are invited by the issuer, are eligible to receive.

4. Set the corresponding details for the crypto gift:

1) Recipients: Modify the selected recipients.

2) Select gift type: Random amount mode or equal amount mode

3) Number of gifts to be issued: Up to 500 can be set at a time

4) Amount to be issued: Set the total amount for random amount mode or the equal amount mode. Each gift must have a minimum value of 1 USD or equivalent in cryptocurrency and a maximum value of 2,000 USD or equivalent in cryptocurrency. The maximum amount that can be issued per day per user is 20,000 USD or equivalent in cryptocurrency.

5) Greeting message: Customize the greeting message.

6) Require passcode: Set whether a passcode is required to claim the gift. Please ensure the password is kept secure.

Once the details are set, click on "Send"

5. You must complete secondary KYC verification before sending crypto gifts. After completing verification, you need to enter the corresponding verification code and then click "Confirm" to successfully create the gift.

6. After successful creation, the system will generate a receiving address, QR code, and corresponding passcode (if applicable). Ensure the gift information is accurate and then click "Send" Note that any remaining balance of gifts not claimed within 24 hours will be refunded to your spot account.

7. View sending history: Click on the top right corner to view sending records, showing the total number of gifts sent and the corresponding USD amount. Clicking on it will show detailed receiving records and statuses for each gift.

Receiving Crypto Gifts

1. Claiming crypto gifts: Currently, you can claim crypto gifts by clicking on the gift link on the H5 page or by scanning the QR code using the BitMart App. If the gift requires a password, you can enter it directly on the gift claiming page in the app.


For account security, please verify that the domain of the gift link is to avoid phishing websites.

2. Viewing gift details:

1)After successfully claiming a gift, you can click on "View Details" to see the claiming details and other related information.

2)You can also click on the top right corner of the gift to view all your gift claiming records, including the total number of gifts claimed, total USD amount claimed, claiming time for each gift, and their corresponding types and statuses.


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