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Liquidity Provider Program on BitMart has been Launched!

Become a Liquidity Provider with us now. Enjoy VIP Benefits!


Dear BitMart users,

We are excited to announce that we have launched the Liquidity Provider Program on BitMart for spot! To enhance liquidity on BitMart spot trading, we are now offering all qualifying Liquidity Providers special fee rates based on your 30-day maker volume, as well as premium trading fee rebates and VIP level API rate limits!


Spot Liquidity Provider Benefits

All qualifying Liquidity Providers are eligible for the following benefits:

1. Maker trading fee rebates

With negative maker trading fees, you will be receiving fee rebates per transaction on BitMart.

2. VIP taker trading fee rates

Our spot Liquidity Provider benefits also include taker fee rates that align with respective Institutional VIP levels at BitMart based on your monthly trading volume.

3. VIP rate limits

Additionally, you can enjoy VIP level rate limits, ranging from Lv1 to Lv3, based on your 30-day maker volume in USDT. 


How to Participate

Our program is open to all entities that 1) successfully opens an Institutional Account with BitMart and 2) remains in good standing in accordance with the User Agreement of BitMart and applicable rules for the Spot Liquidity Provider Program. All trading fee rates and rebates will be distributed automatically for qualifying accounts.  

More details on Institutional Account verification process:

BitMart reserves the right to cancel the rewards or freeze any accounts suspected of fraudulent activities and reserves all rights for the final explanation of this campaign.


Contact Us

If you encounter any questions with our Liquidity Provider Program, please feel free to contact us.



Telegram: @BM_Institution

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