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BitMart Affiliate Management User Guide

Please be informed that BitMart Affiliate Program has officially launched, all the BitMart Affiliates can refer to the following user guide for further processing: 

After BitMart affiliate user(s) login to their BitMart account portal, the "Affiliate Management" will be displayed. 

Affiliates can also independently access the Affiliate Management System via the following link:

The BitMart Affiliate Management majority is covered by 7 sections which are Dashboard,Direct Commission,Sub-Commission,Sub-Affiliate,Transfer History,Deposit & Withdraw History and Futures Order.

1. Dashboard 

The dashboard will indicate the commission rebate ratio and the amount of accumulated commission

The Detail button will pop up all levels of commission details. 


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If affiliate user(s) wishes to add/customize another referral code, they can click the Modify button and will pop up the following pages for user further execution, affiliate can set the customize invitation code, cashback ratio setting for each code/link, and decide to set which code/link as default as well.

History Data Statistics (Updated T+1)

  • Total Trading Volume, Accumulated Commission, Commission rebate ratio

Real-time Data (Updated Every 10 Minutes)

  • Account Equity, Unrealized P&L, Realized P&L, Available Balance, Copy Trading Account Balance, Spot Account Balance, Futures Cumulative Deposits, Futures Net Deposits, Today's Trading Volume

4 aspects of data that will be displayed are total trading volume, direct user(s), , sub-affiliate(s), and sub-affiliate user in the affiliate's account. 

*Total trading volume (T+1): supports unit switching to view USDT-based/Coin-based trading volume, and the Trading Volume Details button pops up to display the composition of trading volume details: Direct and Sub-user USDT-based and Coin-based data.

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All charts can be filtered for a time range of data.

The recent transactions show the total number of orders traded, which is the number of orders traded by all direct users of affiliates, and the number of orders traded by the direct user of a sub-affiliate.

Direct user trading volume can be defined as the 1st-level affiliate’s direct user trading volume.

Sub-affiliate user trading volume can be defined as sub-affiliate’s user trading volume.

Direct user commissions are the commissions generated by directly invited users.

Sub-affiliate user commission means the commissions generated by the sub-affiliate’s users.

2. Direct Commission 

The affiliate user can be based on the User ID/Futures Account Activation Time/Base Coin/Remark and search the necessary data within a certain period

The list under Direct Commissions will shows the user ID, registration code, KYC status, account equity, unrealized profit and loss, realized profit and loss, available balance, copy account balance, spot account balance, registration time, futures account activation time, first futures transaction time, first deposit time, cumulative deposit, futures net deposit, cumulative transaction volume, daily transaction volume, accumulated transaction fees, cumulative commission rebate, remark and cashback ratio.

The affiliate user can adjust/amend their direct user’s cashback ratio by clicking the "Setting" button. 

For example, if the affiliate’s commission rebate is 40% and the affiliate user set the direct user’s cashback ratio to 10%. As a result, direct users will get a 10% transaction fee rebate from their trading, and the affiliate will get a 30% (40%-10%) transaction fee rebate from the direct user.

3. Sub-Commission 

Affiliate user(s) can create their own next-level affiliate(s). The process of creating a next-level affiliate is as follows: You need to enter the CID of the sub-affiliate(s) user that you wish to invite and the commission rebate ratio. At the same time, you need to select a sub-affiliate language and indicate the sub-affiliate name.


After filling in all the necessary info, you click submit and the creation will be successful. 

The information can be filtered by User ID/Base Coin/Data Time.


The Sub-Commission section will display the user ID, assigned affiliate, KYC status, account equity, unrealized profit and loss, realized profit and loss, available balance, copy account balance, spot account balance, registration time, futures account activation time, first futures transaction time, first deposit time, cumulative deposit, futures net deposit, cumulative transaction volume, daily transaction volume, accumulated transaction fees, cumulative commission rebate.

4. Sub-Affiliate

The Sub-Affiliate section shows the element of each affiliate [starting from 2nd-level affiliate(s) onward] with all the IDs, name, commission rebate ratio, creation time, superior affiliate ID, cumulative traders, cumulative trading volume, cumulative PNL, cumulative transaction fees, cumulative commission, and my commission. 

*Superior Affiliate ID means registering via this user ID’s code. 

If the affiliate users wish to change their next-level affiliate(s) name or commission, they can choose the said affiliate and click the edit button to update/adjust accordingly


5. Transfer History

Transfer history can be filtered using a single user ID/assigned affiliate/coin or type.

For transfer history, the relevant fields displayed in the list include user ID, assigned affiliate, coin, amount, type and time.

Users can easily identify the nature of each transaction by referring to the "Type" section. For instance, if they are transferring funds from a spot account to a futures account, this information will be reflected in the "Type" field.

6. Deposit & Withdraw History

Affiliates can check the total deposit amount & total net deposit amount that filter by coin (USDT/BTC/ETH) and data time range.

If affiliates need to check the user’s deposit & withdraw history solely, can also filter by user ID/inviter ID/coin /type/data time.

The relevant data included user ID, inviter ID,coin, amount, type and time will be displayed  accordingly.

7. Futures Order

4 aspects of data that will be displayed are current position, open orders, orders history, and trade history in the futures order section.

The current position shows the element of futures order with all the IDs, assigned affiliate, user type, symbol, leverage, size, side and entry price/mark price, liquidation price, margin, PNL (ROE%), realized PNL and take profit/stop loss.

Affiliate users can click the export button to obtain relevant data for the past month.

Open orders can be queried using a single user ID/assigned affiliate/ orders/type/symbol (trading pair)/side (direction)

Affiliate users can click the export button to obtain relevant data for the past month.

For open orders, the relevant fields displayed in the current order list include user ID, assigned affiliate, user type, symbol (trading pair), time, side (direction), order type, price (in USDT), and order quantity.

Orders history can be filtered using a single user ID/assigned affiliate/orders/time/type/symbol (trading pair)/ side (direction).

Affiliate users can click the export button to obtain relevant data for the past month.

For futures orders, the relevant fields displayed in the order history include user ID, assigned affiliate, user type, symbol (trading pair), time, side (direction), order type, order price (in USDT), average price (in USDT), order quantity, deal quantity, trigger and status.

Trade history can be filtered using a single user ID/assigned affiliate/ orders/type/symbol (trading pair)/side (direction).

Affiliate users can click the export button to obtain relevant data for the past month.

For futures orders, the relevant fields displayed in the list include user ID, assigned affiliate, user type, creation time, symbol (trading pair), order type, side (direction), leverage, average price (in USDT), order quantity, fee (USDT), and realized PNL (in USDT).

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