4th Anniversary Community Giveaway - $30K in Reward for 1,000 Lucky Members !

To celebrate BitMart 4th Anniversary, we are throwing a wild giveaway shower of $30K USDT to 1,000 community members ! 


It is really easy to enter the giveaway, you just need to click the link below and complete at least one of the tasks (however the more you complete, the higher chances you will be rewarded): 


Enter the giveaway: Click Here. 


Please note: You MUST have a valid BitMart account and USDT address to receive the reward. If you don’t have an account with us, please register via this link https://www.bitmart.com/en?r=rXTnPA.

*Participation is subject to BitMart User Agreement and any and all terms and conditions applicable to BitMart 4th Anniversary Celebration.  Explanation of the terms is up to the sole and absolute discretion of BitMart. 

Click here to go back to the Anniversary Main Page: 

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