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ALTS Market Trading Rules

In order to promote the healthy development of the blockchain industry, protect the legitimate rights and benefits of investors, and standardize management, BitMart has set up ALTS Trading Market. BitMart will move projects that need to be observed into the ALTS Trading Market for a period of 30 days. During the observation period, the specific project will be hidden or delisted from BitMart if any of the following conditions are met.

  1. Low liquidity continues, daily trading volume less than 20,000 USD.
  2. Spread is greater than 15%.
  3. The project side stops commercial activities for three consecutive months.
  4. Under the situation of liquidation, bankruptcy, or partial bankruptcy.
  5. Negative opinions of the company's auditor.
  6. Failure to submit updated reports of project development progress, team status, and listed entities within a specified time as required by the exchange.
  7. The project or project team may be disbanded.
  8. Any act deemed to be malicious activities.
  9. The project, project members (including, but not limited to the Founder), or consultant companies are investigated for alleged or actual violation of any applicable laws, and regulations.
  10. Improper market activities are conducted by the project, such as fraudulent trading, market manipulation, or insider trading.
  11. Any other circumstances that BitMart considers to be at risk to its users or the platform.


If the project meets the liquidity and other basic requirements before the observation period ends, the project will be removed from the ALTS Trading Market and added to the main trading markets (BTC, ETH, USDT, etc.). Otherwise, BitMart will start the delisting process.

During the observation period, BitMart will decide to delist the project if the project fails to take any necessary measures to improve its negative situations. At the same time, if BitMart considers the bad situations to continue, we reserve the right to remove the project from the ALTS Trading Market without prior notice to the project side.

After being delisted, the deposit and trading features of all the project's related trading pairs will be suspended. The project must go through the full listing evaluation and process again before being re-listed on BitMart.

BitMart reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this Trading Rules without prior notice. If the project party has any questions, please contact your BitMart Business Manager.

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