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BitMart Has Completed the Fantom (FTM) Token Swap and Rebranding to Sonic (S)

Dear BitMart Users,


BitMart has completed the Fantom (FTM) token swap and rebranding to Sonic (S). Per project's request, the old FTM token will be automatically swapped to a new S token at a ratio of 1:1 (OLD FTM: NEW S)Please note the resumption dates for different features and new explorer for S:


  • Deposit: Available
  • Trading: 1/21/2025 08:00 AM UTC
  • Withdrawal: Available


New explorer:


Learn more:
BitMart Will Support the Fantom (FTM) Token Swap and Rebranding to Sonic (S)



Thank you for your patience during the time period. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Thanks for your support!


BitMart Team

Jan 21, 2024

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