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Announcement on the delisting of JNS

Dear BitMart Users,


Per project's request, BitMart will pause all JNS-related features and remove the JNS/USDT trading pair. Users should cancel their orders of JNS from our platform. If your order is not canceled in time, the order will be canceled by the system and your assets will be credited to your trading account. Please note the below dates for suspension of all features:

  • Close Deposit: 4/23/2024 10:00 PM UTC
  • Close Trading: 4/23/2024 10:00 PM UTC
  • Close Withdrawal: 6/23/2024 10:00 PM UTC


Note: Not withdrawing related tokens timely may result in assets loss. BitMart will not be responsible for any assets loss caused by doing so.


Thank you for your understanding and support!


BitMart Team

Apr. 23, 2024

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