1. What is Jupyter Notebook and How to Run Python Code?
Jupyter Notebook is an open-source, interactive web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text.
Learn More details about how to operate the Jupyter Notebook here
2. Where and how to install the BitMart Python SDK package?
Install the BitMart SDK by inputting the following code into your Jupyter Notebook
3. How to create API keys?
After signing in to BitMart, go to Account -> API Management
4. Available Sections on BitMart SPOT API
There are several sections in BitMart Python SDK under REST API. Read BitMart API documentation about how to access the endpoints.
- Public Market Data
- Funding Account
- Spot/Margin Trading
- Margin Loan
- Sub-Account
To import the Trade module, run the following code:
5. How to Get Public Market Data?
Replace with your API access key, secret key, and memo, then execute
Please refer to the below code before requesting Public Market Data:
- Currencies
- Symbols
- Latest Kline
- Depth
- For other Public Market Data Requests: API Documentation
6. How to Get the Spot Wallet Balance
7. How to Place Spot Order (Limit Order or Market Order)
8. How to Get Details of a Specific Order?
- Method 1: Request by Order ID
- Method 2: Request by Order Client ID
9. How to Cancel Order
- Method 1: Cancel by Order ID
- Method 2: Cancel by Order Client ID
10. How to Get History of orders
11. Learn More BitMart API with Jupyter Notebook
- For more request examples of Python, please go to BitMart Python SDK library here
- If you have more questions regarding BitMart API, please join the BitMart API Support Telegram Channel.
The BitMart Team
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